6/1/2024, 16:41:19

2016 - Archive

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Iconic Furniture Valuations
Have you ever wondered how much the Iron Throne is worth? Well we have the answer! Here at LoveAntiques.com we have liaised with a furniture expert to compile a list of valuations for famous pieces of furniture. Such pieces include Game of Thrones’ Iron Throne, Men In Black’s ‘Egg’ chair and Joey and Chandler’s Barca loungers from Friends. ... See more
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Item of the Week - Antique Pine Hall Stand
Picture the scene, it's a cold winters day, it's been raining outside and you've just got home. You have shopping bags in one hand, keys in the other, your coat is wet, you're wind swept, your hat, which was once perched nicely on your head, is now under your arm and your umbrella is stuffed under the other arm; don't you often wish you had somewhere where you could place all of these items neatly, instead of them ending up on the floor, or draped over various items of furniture?... See more
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Item of the Week - Solid Silver Epergne c.1924
When it comes to brightening up your home, nothing does so better than a pretty floral display, but instead of opting for the more conventional vase to showcase your favourite fresh flowers, why not consider an Epergne? ... See more
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Item of the Week - Superb Country Oak Carved Coffer c.1690
Storage, you can never have enough of it! Even with all the cupboard and drawer space in the world, it never feels like it’s enough. So what better piece of furniture to help out with your storage solutions than an Antique Coffer or as they are perhaps more commonly known as nowadays, Antique chests. ... See more
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Item of the Week - Antique Kazak Runner c.1900
There's nothing quite like the feel of a soft rug underneath your bare feet, and with the Winter months just around the corner, it's time to start putting in to place those little touches which will help in the transition to making your home feel warm and cosy again. For this weeks' 'Item of the week', we have chosen this Kazak Runner. With it's vibrant colours and eye catching geometric design, we think it would make a welcome addition to your home. ... See more
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Item of the Week - Rare Set of 4 Mahogany Georgian Dining Chairs
There is a high probability that you are sitting down to read this, and that's because according to research we sit down for approximately 25% of the day. Thank goodness for chairs I say! It's fair to say that chairs are available in a tremendous assortment of shapes, sizes and designs and there really is one to suit every interior. It's a certainty that if you look around your home you will be sure to find a chair in almost every room - just as well really with all that sitting down we do! ... See more
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Buyers Guide - Chest of Drawers
When purchasing Antique furniture it is often an investment for a lifetime, especially when it comes to an item as durable and solid as an antique Chest of Drawers. If you're unsure of what to consider when buying a Chest of Drawers, our Buyers guide should help... See more
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Item of the Week - Royal Crown Derby Heart Shape Ring Box c.1909
It goes without saying that we humans have long been fascinated by the art of collecting; a tradition which dates back centuries. I’m sure that the majority of people reading this can say that they have, at some point, collected something, whether it be books, films, stamps, shoes or even small toys found in cereal packets! Whatever it is, collectibles come in a variety of forms.... See more
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Item of the Week - Pair of Mahogany Bedside Chests of Drawers
When decorating or designing a bedroom we very often select key pieces of furniture to give it that warm,comfortable and familiar feel that we generally associate with a bedroom, such as, a bed, a wardrobe, a dressing table perhaps, and more often or not, one or two very understated but very important items; Bedside Chests of Drawers. For our Item of The Week we bring you this exquisite pair of Victorian bedside chests of drawers.... See more
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Item of the Week - Scottish Mahogany Side / Work Table
Tables have long been one of the most popular items of furniture to have in and around the home and with such a variety to choose from they can serve a range of purposes, be it simply for decoration or for more practical uses such as to dine from or to write upon.... See more