6/10/2024, 2:50:47

LoveAntiques University - Blog Category

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Antiques vs Modern Furniture - which is better for the environment?
When we want furniture for our homes, we will usually think of buying new items. But did you know that antiques are a better buy? Not only are antiques a great investment, they’re built to last, beautiful, and they’re more environmentally-friendly to buy than their modern day equivalent too! Antique Furniture is Greener…... See more
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An all-men-need-to-know guide to engagement rings
So you’ve decided who you want to spend the rest of your life with? Congratulations – that’s the easy bit. Now, you have to buy a ring. Bear in mind that she’s probably been dreaming about her perfect ring since the age of six. She’ll have doodled sketches, ripped out pages from glossy magazines,…... See more
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How do we know what we know?
I thought it would make sense to actually tell you how we fill our day to give you an insight into our work with rather small snap shots of individual cases, soon we will be able to update you with the Henry VII painting we are working on, it’s taking time and we may have…... See more
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The technical age, making buying art and antiques safer?
When I started in the art world coming on 30 years ago it was a nefarious business, more lovejoy than antiques roadshow that’s for sure. Now we have a world full of technology that has changed the business forever in the form of the Internet and technical testing, so have these two massive advances helped our industry to…... See more
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Tips for buying high quality antiques and art by Curtis Dowling
Everyone’s main worry when buying art and high quality antique is the big question, is it real?… And what have you missed in the past year that could be worth a fortune? Many of our clients have including the biggest and most prestigious private buyers in the world, we have found all our customers a…... See more
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What lies beneath? The mystery of the Henry VII painting...
The mystery of the Henry VII painting that has been a possible sleeper for centuries. When a painting comes up that is possibly an overlooked lost master that always gets me excited. This portrait could just be one of those. Is it a work by HANS HOLBEIN THE ELDER? Is it part of the Whitehall Palace…... See more
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Curtis Dowling's top tips for spotting a genuine antique
Hello all. I’m Curtis Dowling, best known for all the British daytime antiques shows I used to do like Cash in the attic, put your money where your mouth is and Beat the Bank but more recently my TV has taken me to the USA to film my own TV show in Los Angeles, Treasure…... See more