Antique & Modern Living
An Exceptional Sheraton Period Secretaire Bookcase
£ 7,950
London City Antiques
Fine Quality Antique George I Figured Walnut Bureau with Original Handles
£ 3,150
Fine Quality Antique George I Figured Walnut Bureau with Original Handles
£ 3,150
London City Antiques
London Fine Ltd
Antique Gentleman's Bureau, English, Walnut, Writing Desk, Secretaire - Georgian c.1760
£ 6,850
Antique Gentleman's Bureau, English, Walnut, Writing Desk, Secretaire - Georgian c.1760
£ 6,850
London Fine Ltd
London City Antiques
Antique 18th Century Quality Burr Walnut Floral Marquetry Inlaid Bombe Shaped Bureau
£ 12,850
Antique 18th Century Quality Burr Walnut Floral Marquetry Inlaid Bombe Shaped Bureau
£ 12,850
London City Antiques
Rawlings Antiques
Queen Anne Walnut Bureau Bookcase c.1710
£ 2,350
ActFurniture LTD
Antique 18th Century Fine Quality Bureau In Oak
£ 525
ActFurniture LTD
Antique 18th Century Bureau Bookcase In Mahogany
£ 1,250
ActFurniture LTD
Antique 18th Century Heavily Carved Bureau In Oak
£ 525
ActFurniture LTD
Antique 18th Century Great Quality Bureau In Oak
£ 495
Richie Perrott Antiques
A Small 18th Century Chestnut Bureau
£ 995
ActFurniture LTD
Antique 18th Century Bureau of Small Proportions In Mahogany
£ 495
London City Antiques
Antique 18th Century Quality Mahogany Floral Marquetry Inlaid Cylinder Bureau
£ 8,450
Antique 18th Century Quality Mahogany Floral Marquetry Inlaid Cylinder Bureau
£ 8,450
London City Antiques
Prior & Willis Antiques
Antique Georgian 18th Century Satin Walnut Bureau Desk Writing Table – Elegant Classic Furniture
£ 2,096
Antique Georgian 18th Century Satin Walnut Bureau Desk Writing Table – Elegant Classic Furniture
£ 2,096
Prior & Willis Antiques
Prior & Willis Antiques
Antique Georgian Early 18th Century Cross Banded Walnut Bureau Desk Writing Table – Exquisite Vintage Furniture
£ 2,096
Antique Georgian Early 18th Century Cross Banded Walnut Bureau Desk Writing Table – Exquisite Vintage Furniture
£ 2,096
Prior & Willis Antiques
Tom Scott Antiques
18th Century Walnut Bureau Bookcase on Stand
£ 2,350
London City Antiques
Outstanding Quality Antique George II Figured Mahogany Bureau Bookcase
£ 3,950
Outstanding Quality Antique George II Figured Mahogany Bureau Bookcase
£ 3,950
London City Antiques
LT Antiques
Queen Anne Walnut Bureau Bookcase
£ 2,650
London City Antiques
Antique 18th Century Quality Mahogany Floral Marquetry Inlaid Bombe Shaped Bureau
£ 4,850
Antique 18th Century Quality Mahogany Floral Marquetry Inlaid Bombe Shaped Bureau
£ 4,850
London City Antiques
Walton House Antiques Ltd
George III Mahogany Bureau
£ 2,150
London City Antiques
Outstanding Quality Antique George III Mahogany Bureau
£ 2,650
London City Antiques
Outstanding Quality Antique George II Mahogany Bureau Bookcase
£ 3,850
London City Antiques
Outstanding Quality Antique George II Figured Mahogany Bureau Bookcase
£ 3,950
Outstanding Quality Antique George II Figured Mahogany Bureau Bookcase
£ 3,950
London City Antiques
Martlesham Antiques
18th Century Walnut Bureau
£ 1,550
Trade Antiques
Oak Bureau / Writing Desk Carved 1730
£ 885
Walton House Antiques Ltd
18th Century Queen Anne Oak Bureau
£ 1,950
Hingstons Antiques
George II Walnut Veneered Bureau
£ 2,350
Holmes Antiques
Early 18th Century Burr Walnut Bureau
£ 2,900
Holmes Antiques
Fine Early 18th Century Walnut Bureau
£ 3,900
Walton House Antiques Ltd
18th Century Queen Anne Walnut Bureau
£ 3,250
London City Antiques
Antique George I Quality Figured Walnut Bureau
£ 3,285
London City Antiques
Outstanding 18th Century Quality George III Antique Mahogany Bureau
£ 2,875
Outstanding 18th Century Quality George III Antique Mahogany Bureau
£ 2,875
London City Antiques
ActFurniture LTD
Antique 18th Century Fine Quality Bureau Bookcase in Mahogany
£ 1,850
London City Antiques
Antique George I Quality Figured Walnut Bureau Bookcase
£ 7,850
LT Antiques
Queen Anne Walnut Bureau
£ 1,175
London City Antiques
Outstanding Antique George III Quality Mahogany Bureau
£ 2,950
LT Antiques
George III Mahogany Bureau Bookcase
£ 1,150
Hingstons Antiques
George III Inlaid Mahogany Bureau
£ 1,475
Queen Anne Walnut Bureau - Fine Quality
£ 850
Driscolls Antiques Ltd
Rare Yew Wood Antique Georgian Bureau
£ 1,450
Victoria Antiques
Georgian Mahogany Bureau Original Swan Neck Handles
£ 450
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