2/12/2025, 21:50:3

George Fox - Silversmith

The Fox Family of noted Silversmiths spanned three generations from 1801-1921. Begun by Charles Fox, the firm was continued by his two sons Charles (II) and George in 1822. When George died his son Robert Fredrick continued the tradition, as did a few other relatives until they finally closed in 1921. Throughout the 19th Century the Fox mark was synonymous with good quality silver tableware and certainly Charles (II) and George can be seen as two of the last individual plate makers before things were mechanised and mass-produced by the Victorians.

The Fox style was typical of the period with finely chased and engraved details. Today silver hallmarked for any of the Fox family are keenly collected for their quality. At LoveAntiques we have a fine selection of antique silver including from Charles Fox, George Fox and Robert Fredrick Fox.

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