In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Pair of Antique Silver Salts and Spoons
£ 95
Silver Royal Spoons for George V, Edward VIII and George VI
£ 180
JSA Silver Flatware
Set of Six Feather Edge Silver Coffee Spoons
£ 110
Booth Antiques
Collectible Silver World War 1 Riflemen Teaspoon
£ 58
Beeches Vintage
Childs Vintage Solid Silver Fork & Spoon Set
£ 88
Williams Antiques & Restoration
Silver Jam Spoon with a Shaped Spoon 1908
£ 40
RegencySilver Antiques
Vintage Golf Themed Novelty Solid Sterling Silver Tea Spoon - Twin Double Golf Clubs & Ball
£ 36
Vintage Golf Themed Novelty Solid Sterling Silver Tea Spoon - Twin Double Golf Clubs & Ball
£ 36
RegencySilver Antiques
£ 365
Arts & Crafts Silver & Enamel Demitasse Spoons Bernard Instone - Birmingham 1929
£ 365
Century Antiques
Williams Antiques & Restoration
Boxed Set of 6 Silver & Ebony Coffee Spoons 1926
£ 60
Booth Antiques
Unusual Silver 'Newmarket' Horse Finial Spoon 1913
£ 75
4 Herald Silver Spoons
£ 89
Silver and Enamel Spoons. Birmingham 1937.
£ 210
Antiques in Oxford
Liberty & Co Cymric Spoon
£ 280
Williams Antiques & Restoration
Silver Jam Spoon c.1920
£ 31
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