Queens Antiques & Collectables
A Superb Antique George III Silver Wine Funnel William Pitts 1812
£ 325
A Superb Antique George III Silver Wine Funnel William Pitts 1812
£ 325
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Embossed Victorian Silver Baluster Shaped Christening Mug
£ 265
William Rand Antiques
Victorian Silver Topped Ribbed Glass Glug Glug Decanter, 1892
£ 220
Patrick Howard Antiques
Antique English Sterling Silver Brick Layers Trowel Bone Handle Henry Wilkinson
£ 675
Antique English Sterling Silver Brick Layers Trowel Bone Handle Henry Wilkinson
£ 675
Patrick Howard Antiques
Vavasseur Antiques
Georgian Silver Long Necked Compass by Matthew Berge c.1802
£ 650
Jeff Sims Antiques
Handsome Georgian Silver & Mother of Pearl Letter Opener
£ 145
In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
William IV Sterling Silver Asparagus Tongs
£ 275
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Georgian Sterling Silver Pap Boat
£ 180
Vavasseur Antiques
Rare Silver Gilt Full Hunter Pocket Barometer Retailed by Asprey c.1868
£ 715
Rare Silver Gilt Full Hunter Pocket Barometer Retailed by Asprey c.1868
£ 715
Vavasseur Antiques
Cased Set of 6 Georgian Silver Teaspoons
£ 120
In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Pair of Victorian Silver Sugar Nips
£ 150
JSA Silver Flatware
A Rare Victorian Silver Game Skewer by a Female Silversmith
£ 285
Artisan Antiques
Antique Large Solid Silver Snuff Box Cartouche Shaped with Profuse Hand Engravings - London 1842
£ 995
Antique Large Solid Silver Snuff Box Cartouche Shaped with Profuse Hand Engravings - London 1842
£ 995
Artisan Antiques
£ 175
Large Victorian 1899 Hallmarked Solid Silver Nurses Belt Buckle Charles Edwards
£ 175
Shires Antiques
Andrew Cox Antiques
Charming Victorian Silver Desk Clip
£ 195
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Victorian Sterling Silver & Tortoiseshell Table Paper Clip
£ 420
Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd
Rare George III Silver Nipple Guard
£ 1,230
£ 245
£ 1,195
Jeff Sims Antiques
Extremely Rare Novelty Silver Table Vesta
£ 395
Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd
Rare Silver Travelling Shaving Brush
£ 350
Andrew Cox Antiques
Charming Georgian Silver Game Skewer
£ 175
Ian Chisnall Antiques and Collectables
George IV Silver & Glass Cruet Set Stand
£ 1,400
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Victorian Silver Pounce Pot
£ 230
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Victorian William Comyns Oval Dressing Table Mirror
£ 350
Williams Antiques & Restoration
A Round Glass Pot with Silver Lid
£ 49
£ 1,795
£ 245
William IV English Silver Novelty Harlequin Sugar Tongs Dee & Fargus c.1830
£ 245
The Fancy Fox
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Solid Silver Victorian Novelty Table Lighter
£ 250
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Solid Silver Owl Pepper Pot - Victorian
£ 925
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Early Victorian Silver Pounce Pot
£ 250
Antiques in Oxford
Cased Set of 6 Silver Thomas White Victorian Buttons
£ 225
£ 7,645
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Georgian Solid Silver 3-part Wine Funnel
£ 700
£ 24,750
Sterling Silver Soup Tureen by Paul Storr - Adams Style - Antique George III
£ 24,750
AC Silver
Artisan Antiques
Antique Solid Silver Sugar Tongs / Nips Naturalistic Foliate Design - Francis Higgins 1859
£ 350
Antique Solid Silver Sugar Tongs / Nips Naturalistic Foliate Design - Francis Higgins 1859
£ 350
Artisan Antiques
Silver Instrument Mouth Piece
£ 195
Rodden Antiques
Pair of Tea Tongs, Early 18th Century Style
£ 65
£ 365
Antiques in Oxford
Rare Victorian ‘Witch’ Scissors
£ 485
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