Item of The Week - 19th Century Cast Iron Fireplace

Picture the scene; it’s Christmas Eve, the mince pies are placed lovingly on a plate with a little glass of something for Santa, and there’s a nice juicy carrot for his Reindeer. The family are tucked up in bed ready for the big day, but where will you be hanging your stocking? Wonder no more, we have found the perfect place…

This Large 19th Century Cast Iron Fireplace would make for the most wonderful place to hang your stockings on Christmas Eve. And of course, as traditions go it’s one of the most popular ones carried out by families across the world. Children have long hung their stockings on fireplaces in readiness for Santa’s tumble down the chimney after age old tales of him throwing gold coins down the chimneys of less fortunate families were told to generations gone by.

This simplistic and stylish fireplace may indeed have already been used as a hanging place for many a stocking of yesteryear as it was rescued from a Victorian House during extensive renovations. It has since then been restored and is noted to be in good condition and is structurally sound. It has also been wax coated to prevent it becoming rusty; this is therefore ready to be installed in to a new home to start a new life.

The fireplace is 58 inches high, 60 inches wide and 7 inches deep, the fire inset is 38½ inches wide and 48 inches high. Its columns display decorative detail but at the same time they remain simplistic and not overly lavish. It is of course up to you as to whether you want to keep it as it is, or whether you decide to paint it to match your interior. Either way, this is an attractive Surround which would look superb with the addition of Christmas themed decoration.

It is for sale from Elmgarden and is priced at £1,450

Merry Christmas


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