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Certified Dealer1515 sales by dealerFree DeliveryAvailable for local pick-up
William and Mary walnut chest on stand
This William and Mary walnut chest on stand is of a wonderful colour and with deep patina.
The chest with the 2 drawers at the top and a further 3 graduated drawers under.
The drawers have fine feather banding and engraved brass plate handles.
The top surface is veneered in fine walnut, again with feather banding.
The stand has one long drawer, and the solid walnut barley sugar supports with the shaped stretcher.
William and Mary walnut chest on stand shows evidence of 300 years of use but is in fantastic condition especially after our professional restoration.
As would be expected on these chests on stands, the stands quite often have replacements and adaption as the originals used to suffer with rot on the feet as they were on damp stone floors. Our example has had work done on it, probably in the Victorian period as it may have become unstable due to damage on the stand.
It is part of its life and does not take away the beauty of this stunning chest. It is priced accordingly of course.
This wonderful item will look fantastic wherever you place it in your home. Just imagine the compliments of your choice as your family and friends marvel over it.
97cms wide 38ins
61cms deep 24ins
144cms high 56 1/2ins
All Measurements are as accurate as possible
UK mainland Free Other destinations please contact us, and we will get a quote. We use a professional Removal company to transport our precious items and do not entrust them to usual parcel services. Therefore, delivery may be 7 -10 days, but it is worth the wait of course.
On occasions customers have been disappointed to miss an item as they e-mailed their enquiry instead of phoning, I would recommend that if you wished to get the piece, please call rather than e-mail. We are very friendly and easy to deal with. This William and Mary walnut chest on stand is a green product and has not affected the environment we live in.
We spend time choosing the best product, an antique item that must meet the strict criteria to be placed in Hingstons of Wilton stock.
This William and Mary walnut chest on stand carries the Hingstons Antiques product guarantee plate which gives you the peace of mind that any item with this plate, is of the quality and condition expected when purchasing from Hingstons Antiques Limited. All our goods are individually selected by Nick Hingston who uses his experience of over 45 years of trading to select the items with the best design and condition suitable to be placed into our quality stock.
Price Matching
Antiques are unique, and it is impossible to price match in the normal way. Please consider the quality of product, and the care taken in our restoration, before deciding if you are looking at price comparison.
When you choose to purchase an item from Hingstons, you will be purchasing a piece that will enhance your home.
We spend time choosing the best product, an antique item that must meet the strict criteria to be placed in Hingstons of Wilton stock.
Hingstons Distance selling policy.
Purchases from Hingstons Antiques Ltd give all buyers the right to cancel the purchase within 14 working days after receipt of the item, for a full refund less transport costs, on condition it is returned in the condition it was sent.
Payment- We can accept payment by bank transfer, card transaction by phone, or cheque in store for UK customers, please contact us if you are an overseas customer.
Items remain on sale until payment is received.
1440 mm
970 mm
610 mm
Hingstons Antiques has clarified that the William and Mary Walnut Chest on Stand (LA519188) is genuinely of the period declared with the date/period of manufacture being 18th century
Professionally restored by our specialist period walnut restorer