Digby Antiques (Wiltshire)
Silver “brighton Bun” Travelling Candlesticks
£ 185
Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd
Ornate Silver Pie Server
£ 120
Rare Antique Gifts
1950s Solid Silver Handbag Mirror
£ 350
Sunnyside Antiques
Silver Cocktail Shaker
£ 975
The Fancy Fox
19th Century French Silver Tastevin Wine Taster
£ 245
£ 135
The Fancy Fox
Continental Novelty Silver Miniature
£ 160
Antiques in Oxford
Unusual Antique Silver Frog
£ 360
£ 75
Antiques et Cetera
Victorian Silver Sugar Nips / Tongs - Collectable / Silver Knives 1890s
£ 75
GD Ginger Antiques
Chunky Continental Silver Pipe Tamp
£ 90
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