£ 100
Antique and Unique
Mauchline Ware String Box
£ 55
Sunnyside Antiques
Corkscrew - Antique Wooden Handle
£ 49
Founders Antiques
Antique Victorian Oak Smokers Stand
£ 145
Tunbridgeware Paper Knife
£ 79
Town House Traders Ltd
Antique Treen Boot Pin Cushion
£ 120
£ 22,500
Large Ship’s ‘Sunday’ Tiller Carved with Princess Victoria, Before She Was Queen
£ 22,500
Wick Antiques Ltd
Andrew Cox Antiques
Excellent Large Victorian Lignum Vitae String Barrel
£ 185
Michael Armson Antiques
Pair of Treen, Lignum Vitae Vases
£ 75
D and A Binder LTD
Late Victorian Boot / Shoe Trees (2)
£ 108
Marlborough Antiques & Interiors
Victorian Coopered Oak & Brass Barrel, Hall / Stick Stand
£ 345
Victorian Coopered Oak & Brass Barrel, Hall / Stick Stand
£ 345
Marlborough Antiques & Interiors
Elmgarden Antiques
Treen Apothecary’s Bottle & Spherical Thimble Box
£ 395
Wick Antiques Ltd
Three Mortice Chisels, All with Sturdy Ash Handles by Sorby & Co
£ 160
Paul Watson Antiques & Interiors Norfolk
Victorian Treen Chemist Bottle Holder
£ 125
£ 55
IM Chaney Antique Furniture
Treen Fruitwood Spanker
£ 120
Antique and Unique
Antique Treen Sycamore Spice Tower
£ 115
Antique and Unique
Treen Sycamore Grain or Flour Scoop
£ 85
Carse Antiques
Mid 19th Century Chemists Mortar & Pestle
£ 165
DLS Antiques
Victorian Antique Wooden Treen Needle Case
£ 59
£ 145
£ 245
Antique Screw Press, English, Oak, Nutcracker, Bookbinder, Kitchen, Victorian
£ 245
London Fine Ltd
Wick Antiques Ltd
19th Century Mahogany Inkwell in the Form of a Capstan
£ 350
GD Ginger Antiques
Unusual Late 19th Century Mahogany Lazy Susan
£ 360
GD Ginger Antiques
19th Century Mahogany Bellows Snuff Box in Treen
£ 440
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