Elder Books & Collectables
1800 Signed Military Bandsman Song Book Rare Napoleonic Era Leather Bound
£ 395
1800 Signed Military Bandsman Song Book Rare Napoleonic Era Leather Bound
£ 395
Elder Books & Collectables
Verdi Art & Antiques
The Organ Cases & Organs of the Middle Ages & Renaissance
£ 120
Verdi Art & Antiques
The Organ by William Leslie Sumner 1952
£ 20
Verdi Art & Antiques
Modern Organ Building by W & T Lewis 1923
£ 30
Elder Books & Collectables
Early 18th Century Page of Music Large Sheet Printed on Two Sides
£ 48
Early 18th Century Page of Music Large Sheet Printed on Two Sides
£ 48
Elder Books & Collectables
£ 48
1949 Dallas Trade Catalogue Radio Television & Sound Equipment Components
£ 48
Elder Books & Collectables
1958 Verdi Requiem Signed by Victoria Elliott, Roger Stalman, Willliam McAlpine
£ 95
1958 Verdi Requiem Signed by Victoria Elliott, Roger Stalman, Willliam McAlpine
£ 95
Elder Books & Collectables
Elder Books & Collectables
1855 The Song of Hiawatha By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, First American Edition
£ 295
1855 The Song of Hiawatha By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, First American Edition
£ 295
Elder Books & Collectables
Elder Books & Collectables
1811 The Caledonian Musical Repository. A Selection Of Esteemed Scottish Songs. 1st Edition
£ 120
1811 The Caledonian Musical Repository. A Selection Of Esteemed Scottish Songs. 1st Edition
£ 120
Elder Books & Collectables
Elder Books & Collectables
2 x Music Programmes for Banquet for The Right Honorable David Henry Stone, 1875
£ 50
2 x Music Programmes for Banquet for The Right Honorable David Henry Stone, 1875
£ 50
Elder Books & Collectables