Avego Antiques and Collectibles
Victorian Mahogony Wooden Bathroom / Bedroom Swing Mirror
£ 180
Victorian Mahogony Wooden Bathroom / Bedroom Swing Mirror
£ 180
Avego Antiques and Collectibles
Stalham Antique Gallery
Victorian Box Dressing Mirror with Pretty Supports.
£ 150
Graham Deakin Antiques
Pair of Arts & Crafts Mirror
£ 240
ActFurniture LTD
Antique 19th Century Good Quality Cheval Mirror In Mahogany
£ 825
Fernyhough Antiques Ltd
Pair of Mahogany Circular Mirrors
£ 1,295
Marylebone Antiques
Antique Mahogany & Parcel Gilt Overmantle Mirror
£ 975
Tom Scott Antiques
Sheraton Revival Inlaid Overmantle Mirror
£ 475
Antique Furniture Direct
Large Victorian Inlaid Mahogany Dressing Table Mirror
£ 350
D and A Binder LTD
Victorian Vanity Mirror
£ 360
Tony Youll Antiques
Oval Mirror with Gilt Eagle Decoration
£ 1,050
£ 895
Antique Valet Mirror, Glove Box, English, Reception, Scarf Rail - Victorian c.1880
£ 895
London Fine Ltd
Victoria Antiques
Elegant Victorian Mahogany Shaving Stand c.1880
£ 450
Hawkins Antiques
19th Century Mahogany & Painted Table Top Cheval Mirror
£ 950
Philip Hunt Antiques
Sheraton Revival Mahogany Toilet Mirror
£ 650
£ 3,950
Grand Antique Cheval Mirror, English, Dressing, Country House, Victorian c.1880
£ 3,950
London Fine Ltd
Fernyhough Antiques Ltd
Fabulous Mahogany & Parcel Gilt Mirror
£ 995
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