Ian Chisnall Antiques and Collectables
George IV Silver & Glass Cruet Set Stand
£ 1,400
Ian Chisnall Antiques and Collectables
Pair of George III Silver Dishes
£ 690
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Victorian Silver Pounce Pot
£ 230
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Silver Table Lighter - Comyns
£ 295
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Victorian William Comyns Oval Dressing Table Mirror
£ 350
Williams Antiques & Restoration
A Round Glass Pot with Silver Lid
£ 49
Andrew Cox Antiques
Pair of Silver 'Solo' Asparagus Tongs, by Garrard & Co
£ 155
£ 1,795
£ 245
William IV English Silver Novelty Harlequin Sugar Tongs Dee & Fargus c.1830
£ 245
The Fancy Fox
Williams Antiques & Restoration
Silver Cased Match Box Holder London 1933
£ 58
AC Silver
Antique Sterling Silver Funnel
£ 1,295
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Solid Silver Victorian Novelty Table Lighter
£ 250
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Solid Silver Owl Pepper Pot - Victorian
£ 925
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Early Victorian Silver Pounce Pot
£ 250
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Solid Silver Dish Cross - Georgian
£ 1,300
Antiques in Oxford
Cased Set of 6 Silver Thomas White Victorian Buttons
£ 225
£ 7,645
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Georgian Solid Silver 3-part Wine Funnel
£ 700
£ 24,750
Sterling Silver Soup Tureen by Paul Storr - Adams Style - Antique George III
£ 24,750
AC Silver
£ 4,345
Artisan Antiques
Antique Solid Silver Sugar Tongs / Nips Naturalistic Foliate Design - Francis Higgins 1859
£ 350
Antique Solid Silver Sugar Tongs / Nips Naturalistic Foliate Design - Francis Higgins 1859
£ 350
Artisan Antiques
Silver Instrument Mouth Piece
£ 195
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Silver Sugar Caster with Engraved Band Depicting Female Masks
£ 265
Silver Sugar Caster with Engraved Band Depicting Female Masks
£ 265
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Booth Antiques
Rare Novelty Silver Matchbox Case with Dog 1910
£ 210
Rodden Antiques
Pair of Tea Tongs, Early 18th Century Style
£ 65
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Antique Silver Edwardian Table Cigar Lighter
£ 265
£ 365
Antiques in Oxford
Rare Novelty Silver & Enamel Sweet Meat Tongs
£ 740
Antiques in Oxford
Rare Victorian ‘Witch’ Scissors
£ 485
The Silver Cabinet
Pair of Georgian Silver Sauce Tureens
£ 2,850
Penrose Antiques Ltd
Pair of William Hutton Grape Scissors, London 1895
£ 265
£ 585
Antiques in Oxford
Late Victorian Silver Combination Paper Knife & Pencil by Sampson Mordan
£ 498
Late Victorian Silver Combination Paper Knife & Pencil by Sampson Mordan
£ 498
Antiques in Oxford
Bijou and box’s
Silver Toast Rack Mappin Brothers. Hallmarked London 1892
£ 185
Antiques in Oxford
George III Wine Funnel
£ 680
Art Deco Silver & Enamel Doll Tongs - Cohen & Charles
£ 620
Victorian Silver Spoon Warmer in the form of a Grotesque Fish on Turtle Feet – London 1887
£ 640
Victorian Silver Spoon Warmer in the form of a Grotesque Fish on Turtle Feet – London 1887
£ 640
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Edwardian Silver Pot Pourri Basket
£ 210
Williams Antiques & Restoration
Pair of Solid Silver Scissors
£ 110
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Solid Silver Straining Ladle
£ 125
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