Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Quality Antique Victorian Silver Plated Ornate Serving Tray
£ 550
Quality Antique Victorian Silver Plated Ornate Serving Tray
£ 550
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Larkin & Gallow
George III Old Sheffield Plate Sewing Box
£ 175
Mark Stacey Antiques & Decorative
Pair of Tall Silver Plate Astrays/candle Holders
£ 225
£ 195
Small Antique Serving Bowl, English, Silver Plate, Condiment Pot, Late Victorian
£ 195
London Fine Ltd
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Cake Tray
£ 135
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Quality Antique Edwardian Silver Plated Tray
£ 185
IM Chaney Antique Furniture
Boxed Silver Plate Paper Weight of the Torre de Belem in Lisbon
£ 70
Boxed Silver Plate Paper Weight of the Torre de Belem in Lisbon
£ 70
IM Chaney Antique Furniture
£ 1,200
Novelty Ormolu & Silver Plated Desk Barometer by George Betjemann No 2 c.1880
£ 1,200
Vavasseur Antiques
IM Chaney Antique Furniture
Silver Plated Repousse Ware Tray
£ 60
£ 895
Antique Roll-over Serving Dish, English, Silver Plate, Dome Top Tureen, Server
£ 895
London Fine Ltd
Philip Hunt Antiques
Pair of Silver Plated Wine Coolers
£ 845
£ 875
Antique Oval Decorative Serving Tray, English, Silver Plate, Afternoon Tea, 1910
£ 875
London Fine Ltd
Fernyhough Antiques Ltd
Large Silver Plate Tray
£ 295
Sunnyside Antiques
Silver Plated Serving Tray
£ 160
£ 30
Vintage Silver Plated Ornate Spoon & Olive Oil Funnel - Collectable Items
£ 30
Antiques et Cetera
£ 1,195
Cased Antique Cruets, English, Silver Plate, Condiment Stands, Edwardian c.1910
£ 1,195
London Fine Ltd
London Fine Ltd
Antique Bonbon Dish, English, Silver Plate, Serving Tray / Fruit Tray - Victorian 1900
£ 495
Antique Bonbon Dish, English, Silver Plate, Serving Tray / Fruit Tray - Victorian 1900
£ 495
London Fine Ltd
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Hardy Brothers Clear Glass & Silver Plate Barrel / Ice Pail
£ 165
Hardy Brothers Clear Glass & Silver Plate Barrel / Ice Pail
£ 165
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
£ 925
Antique Ceremonial Staff, Indian, Colonial Parade Stick, Silver Plate, Victorian
£ 925
London Fine Ltd
£ 1,195
Antique Presentation Serving Tray, English, Silver Plated, Afternoon Tea c.1895
£ 1,195
London Fine Ltd
Jo Brayshaw
Victorian Butter Knives c.1880
£ 70
The Silver Cabinet
Tall Victorian Old Sheffield Plated Silver Wine Coaster
£ 475
£ 475
Vintage Punch Bowl, American, Silver Plate, Serving Dish, Spoon, Mid 20th Century
£ 475
London Fine Ltd
London City Antiques
Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tray
£ 375
£ 195
Antique Decorative Saucer, Silver Plate, Dish, Thomas Bradbury, Victorian, 1890
£ 195
London Fine Ltd
Rebecca Sarah Antiques
Large Antique Quality Silver Plated Meat Tray
£ 545
Cheshire Antiques Consultant LTD
Decorative Silvered Bronze Hindu God Ganesha Deity Sculpture
£ 5,000
Decorative Silvered Bronze Hindu God Ganesha Deity Sculpture
£ 5,000
Cheshire Antiques Consultant LTD
London City Antiques
Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tea Set Stamped Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co.
£ 465
Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tea Set Stamped Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co.
£ 465
London City Antiques
Richie Perrott Antiques
George III Sheffield Plate Wine Cooler
£ 295
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Victorian Oval Silver & Inset Walnut Gallery Tray
£ 1,250
Jo Brayshaw
Stylish Silver Plated Tray c.1920
£ 65
London City Antiques
Antique Edwardian Silver Plated Spirit Kettle on Stand
£ 685
Jo Brayshaw
Unusual Silver Plated Toast Rack c.1900
£ 55
£ 175
Linthorpe Pottery Small Biscuit Barrel with Swing Handle by Henry Tooth c.1880
£ 175
Antique Ethos
£ 575
Antique Tea Service, English, Silver Plate, Hand Chased, Teapot, Jug c.1900
£ 575
London Fine Ltd
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Victorian Novelty Silver Plated Egg Coddler with Four Egg Cups
£ 450
Victorian Novelty Silver Plated Egg Coddler with Four Egg Cups
£ 450
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Verdi Art & Antiques
Early 20th Century "Welbeck Plate" Toast Rack by The Alexander Clark Co Ltd
£ 28
Early 20th Century "Welbeck Plate" Toast Rack by The Alexander Clark Co Ltd
£ 28
Verdi Art & Antiques
Henley Street Antiques
Edwardian Silver Plate Shoe Pin Cushion
£ 25
Koos Limburg Jnr
Very Rare Victorian Rosewood Inlaid Barometer
£ 1,250
Antiques et Cetera
Very Ornate Silver Plate Fish Servers Boxed Set- Engagement / Wedding Present c.1900
£ 80
Very Ornate Silver Plate Fish Servers Boxed Set- Engagement / Wedding Present c.1900
£ 80
Antiques et Cetera
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