Jeff Sims Antiques
Sampson Morden Silver Boxed Shaving Set
£ 475
Booth Antiques
Edwardian Silver & Gold 'Songbird' Match Box Holder
£ 135
£ 45
Aion Classique
George V Silver Mounted Ebony Glove Box
£ 135
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Plain Cedar Lined Sterling Silver Trinket or Cigarette Box
£ 380
Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd
William Comyns Sterling Silver Edwardian Box
£ 560
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Unusual Gold Pique Tortoiseshell Jewellery or Trinket Box
£ 325
Andrew Cox Antiques
A Delightful Edwardian Silver Double Stamp Box
£ 145
Beeches Vintage
Vintage 1927 Solid Silver Jewellery Box
£ 135
Aion Classique
William Comyns Edwardian Silver Pot Pourri Box
£ 245
The Antique Magpie
Nice George V Solid Silver Trinket Box
£ 110
The Antique Magpie
Stunning Edwardian Silver Trinket Box
£ 155
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Sterling Silver and Tortoiseshell Pique Work Jewellery or Trinket Box
£ 255
Sterling Silver and Tortoiseshell Pique Work Jewellery or Trinket Box
£ 255
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Aion Classique
Lovely George V Heart Shaped Silver Pill Box
£ 155
Andrew Cox Antiques
Handsome Edwardian Silver Mounted Stamp Box
£ 225
The Antique Magpie
Beautiful Chester Trinket / Jewellery Box
£ 110
Aion Classique
Victorian Arts & Crafts Silver Trinket Box
£ 185
Aion Classique
Rare Novelty Silver 'Plectrum' Pill Box
£ 155
Jeff Sims Antiques
Charming Edwardian Chester Silver Trinket Box
£ 195
William Rand Antiques
Large George V Solid Silver Snuff Box
£ 250
Andrew Cox Antiques
Excellent Silver & Carved Tortoiseshell Trinket / Pill Box
£ 175
Aion Classique
Delightful George V Silver & Tortoiseshell Trinket Box
£ 195
Jeff Sims Antiques
Stunning Edwardian Silver & Tortoiseshell Pot Pourri
£ 235
Aion Classique
Novelty Small Silver Ring / Trinket Box
£ 155
£ 155
Aion Classique
George V Silver & Ebony Studs Box
£ 110
£ 2,475
Aion Classique
Charming Art Deco Silver Purse Compact
£ 135
Aion Classique
Delightful George V Small Silver Trinket Box
£ 155
Church Street Antiques
George V Ebonised Jewellery Box & Tray c.1925
£ 380
Aion Classique
Superb William Comyns Reynolds Angels Silver Ring Box
£ 235
Aion Classique
Petite Silver Trinket / Ring Box
£ 135
Aion Classique
Superb Edwardian Silver & Enamel Pillbox
£ 195
Booth Antiques
Chester Silver & Faux Tortoiseshell Pill Box
£ 145
Aion Classique
Lovely Silver Mounted Ebony Trinket Box
£ 110
Aion Classique
Fabulous Iris Embossed Silver Topped Trinket Box
£ 195
Aion Classique
Fine Large Silver Pill Box
£ 145
Aion Classique
Superb Edwardian Silver & Mother of Pearl Pot Pouree Box
£ 235
Aion Classique
Lovely Edwardian Silver & Enamel Pill Box
£ 165
Aion Classique
Stylish Small Silver George V Trinket Pot
£ 145
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