Williams Antiques & Restoration
Pair of Silver Plated Fish Servers
£ 42
Williams Antiques & Restoration
Pair of Silver Plate Ice or Sugar Nips
£ 34
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Antique Silver Plated Asparagus Tongs with a Spring Loaded Mechanism
£ 140
Antique Silver Plated Asparagus Tongs with a Spring Loaded Mechanism
£ 140
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Carse Antiques
Fine Quality Silver Plated Desk / Ink Stand
£ 165
Antiques et Cetera
Vintage Boxed 'Ashberry' Spoon & Fork Fruit Set / Ideal Gift / Present
£ 35
Wick Antiques Ltd
Silver Plated Classic Yacht Oval Plaque by Walker & Hall
£ 485
Antiques et Cetera
Silver Plate Fish Servers Boxed - Ideal Xmas Present c.1930
£ 50
GD Ginger Antiques
Late 19th Century Elkington & Co Plated Inkwell Stand
£ 290
Carse Antiques
Fine Elkington Silver Plated Egg Cup Holder
£ 245
Verdi Art & Antiques
Barker Brothers Victorian 'Britanoid' Silver Plated Spirit Kettle
£ 45
Williams Antiques & Restoration
Pair of Silver Plate Toast Racks c.1920
£ 37
Williams Antiques & Restoration
Large Silver Plate Tray c.1950
£ 300
The Sitting Room & Heydays Antiques
Victorian Silver Plated Cake Stand or Dish
£ 85
The Silver Cabinet
Stunning Antique Silver Plated Inkwell - Elkington
£ 295
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Impressive Pair of Old Sheffield Plate Campana Shaped Wine Coolers
£ 1,650
Impressive Pair of Old Sheffield Plate Campana Shaped Wine Coolers
£ 1,650
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Unusual Antique Boxed Pair of Silver Plate Fish Servers
£ 145
GD Ginger Antiques
19th Century Silver Metal Wine Carrier
£ 285
GD Ginger Antiques
Pair of Silver Plated Wine Bottle Coasters c.1920
£ 65
Celia Rose Antiques
Silver Plated Vesta Case with a Woodland Scene c.1890
£ 110
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