Jeff Sims Antiques
Gorgeous Pair of Victorian Cut Glass Rinsing Bowls
£ 110
Jeff Sims Antiques
Superb Early Victorian Silver Vesta/cheroot Cutter
£ 295
£ 118
Antique Solid Silver & Guilloche Enamel Handled Magnifying Glass Sheffield 1893
£ 118
NS Vintage
Victorian Copper Fruit or Serving Bowl
£ 90
£ 395
Deco Original Ltd
Victorian Burr Walnut & Inlaid Jewellery Box
£ 295
NS Vintage
Victorian Giant Copper Cooking Cauldron
£ 145
Jo Brayshaw
Late Victorian Stilton Cheese Dome. C1900
£ 195
£ 100
NS Vintage
Victorian Milk Urn with Brass Lid
£ 350
Church Street Antiques
Victorian Brass Log Bucket Jardiniere
£ 680
Old Painted Furniture
19th Century Mahogany Oval Tray on Stand
£ 185
£ 145
Georgian Antiques
Victorian Jacobean Style Carved Oak Box Settle or Hall Bench
£ 825
Cheshire Antiques Consultant LTD
Carved Tiger Oak Pugin Wall Hunting Sculpture Grouse in Wetlands
£ 3,950
Carved Tiger Oak Pugin Wall Hunting Sculpture Grouse in Wetlands
£ 3,950
Cheshire Antiques Consultant LTD
£ 110
LT Antiques
Mahogany & Leather Library Desk Chair
£ 650
£ 80
£ 120
£ 85
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Good Quality Rectangular Victorian Silver Plated Toast Rack
£ 155
Good Quality Rectangular Victorian Silver Plated Toast Rack
£ 155
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Large Victorian Silver Plated Kettle on Stand
£ 375
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Late Victorian Silver Plated Grape Stand in Rustic Form
£ 185
London City Antiques
Antique Victorian Quality Mahogany Towel Rail
£ 585
Patrick Howard Antiques
Antique Lapis Lazuli Blue John Amethyst Lady's Walking Stick Wooden Parts
£ 375
Antique Lapis Lazuli Blue John Amethyst Lady's Walking Stick Wooden Parts
£ 375
Patrick Howard Antiques
Larkin & Gallow
Antique Silver Card Case & Aide Memoir - William Comyns
£ 395
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Decorative Good Quality Victorian Sterling Silver Mustard Pot
£ 260
Decorative Good Quality Victorian Sterling Silver Mustard Pot
£ 260
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
William Rand Antiques
Quality Victorian Silver Inkwell Stand 1892
£ 695
Avego Antiques and Collectibles
Antique Late Victorian Cast Iron Stick Stand Umbrella Stand
£ 380
Antique Late Victorian Cast Iron Stick Stand Umbrella Stand
£ 380
Avego Antiques and Collectibles
Patrick Howard Antiques
Antique Vintage Lady's Gentleman's Snakewood Wooden Walking Stick Dress Cane
£ 575
Antique Vintage Lady's Gentleman's Snakewood Wooden Walking Stick Dress Cane
£ 575
Patrick Howard Antiques
Queens Antiques & Collectables
The Illustrated Book of Pigeons with Standard for Judging Robert Fulton C1874
£ 350
The Illustrated Book of Pigeons with Standard for Judging Robert Fulton C1874
£ 350
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Patrick Howard Antiques
Antique Victorian Coromandel Brass Wooden Letters Stationery Casket Box Betjemann
£ 575
Antique Victorian Coromandel Brass Wooden Letters Stationery Casket Box Betjemann
£ 575
Patrick Howard Antiques
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Victorian Solid Silver Brandy Warmer
£ 450
London City Antiques
Unusual Antique Victorian Quality Copper Jardiniere
£ 425
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Victorian Sterling Silver Boxed Three Piece Condiment Set
£ 425
Antique & Decorative
Victorian Folding Library Steps
£ 320
Barnaby's of Battle
Five Antique Minton Tiles in Frame Animal Scenes 1870s
£ 230
Barnaby's of Battle
Antique Minton Hollis Tiles Showing Bible Scenes 1870s
£ 250
£ 825
Antique 6 Division Stick Stand, English, Reception Hall Umbrella Rack, Victorian
£ 825
London Fine Ltd
£ 985
Antique Large Volume Book Trough, English, Country House Library Rest, Victorian
£ 985
London Fine Ltd
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